Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch
Coagh - Those That Served
   Private William Hogg
Dated added: 31/05/2017
Last updated: 18/05/2019
Personal Details
1st / 4th Battalion, Devonshire Regiment (British Army)
 (Survived The War)
The History of Coagh booklet lists Private William Hogg as having served with the 1 / 4 Devonshire Regiment in the war. This Private William Hogg of the Devonshire Regiment is believed to a third/fourth soldier of that name from the Cookstown area who served in World War One.
Read more on Private William Hogg
References and Links
No Link Reference Map Doc
1 1912 Ulster Covenant A William and James Hogg signed the Ulster Covenant together
2 Brother (possibly) - James Hogg Also served in the the war
Coagh & District in WW1